Zero Tolerance

This policy applies to all Client(s)/Agent(s)/Contractor(s)/Tenant(s) and/or a member of the general public who contact the offices of Regency Properties via letter, email, telephone, in person or via social media.



We recognize that when issues they have strong feelings about are not being resolved the way they would like, individuals may become upset. We deem it unacceptable if that rage turns hostile against our employees, clients or contractors.


Any hostility or abuse aimed towards our employees will not be tolerated.


    • Aggressive or abusive behaviour includes language (verbal or written) that could make employees feel intimidated, mistreated, or afraid. Examples include threats, verbal abuse directed at specific individuals, disparaging remarks, and rudeness. Swear words will not be accepted in written or verbal messages, and these communications will not be responded to. Staff members will not tolerate the use of foul language
    • In addition, we define abusive behaviour as making incendiary remarks, racial or ethnic insults, or false accusations




A demand becomes unacceptable when a request starts to have an excessively negative influence on our staff members' ability to do their jobs. Or if resolving the issue consumes a significant amount of staff time, impacting other clients time who are being represented by Regency Properties.


For instance:


    • Insisting repeatedly on responses within unreasonable timeframes
    • Requesting responses from multiple employees regarding the same issue
    • Insisting on speaking with or seeing a specific employee even when it is not possible
    • Repeatedly changing the focus of a complaint or inquiry, or bringing up unrelated issues
    • Repeatedly asking the same question after receiving a response because the person may not like the answer




The frequency and length of a person's interactions with our employees might occasionally lead to issues.


This may occur when we receive numerous phone calls or emails from the same individual in a single day over a brief period of time


    • This might happen when someone continuously phones us for a long period of time while we are handling a complaint or enquiry or constantly bombards us with emails
    • Copies of data that have already been sent or are unrelated to the complaint's or inquiry's main points


When the amount of time spent talking to someone on the phone, or responding to, reviewing, and filing emails or written correspondence, impacting our capacity to handle their matter or our obligation to fulfil tasks pertaining to other Clients we are acting for, we consider that the level of contact has become intolerable.




Any staff member has the authority to deal with aggressive or abusive behaviour immediately in a way they deem appropriate for the circumstance and in accordance with this policy if they directly witness it from Client(s), Agent(s), Contractors(s), Tenant(s) and/or a member of the general public.


If the caller is deemed hostile, abusive, or offensive, the staff member will put the call to an end. This choice may be made by our staff, who may also inform the caller that their behaviour is undesirable and discontinue the call if it does.


We shall inform the person in writing that we will not allow any further contact from them or Regency Properties if the behaviour continues in future correspondence.




When a client, agent, contractor, tenant or member of the general public repeatedly calls, visits our offices, raises the same concern, or sends us numerous documents about which the relevance is unclear, we may decide to:


    • Limit contact to phone calls from the person at specific times on specific days
    • Restrict contact to a designated member of staff who will handle future calls or correspondence
    • Restrict contact to written correspondence only
    • Inform the person that any additional irrelevant documentation will be destroyed
    • Refuse to respond to any further correspondence
    • Take any other action that we deem appropriate in light of the situation


We may inform the person that only a specific number of issues will be taken into account in a given period and advise them to narrow or focus their requests if we believe that continuing correspondence on a wide range of topics is excessive.


We reserve the right to decline additional enquiries from someone who continually demands an answer to a question to which they have already received a clear answer.


We shall always provide written notice to the person of the action we are taking and our justifications.


Thank you for your co-operation.


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